Hogan Personality Assessments
Personality Assessments
Personality is a combination of characteristics or qualities that form from an individual’s distinctive character. Hogan Personality Assessments improve workplace performance by evaluating all aspects of personality. The bright side, the dark side, and the inside. Hogan Personality Assessments provide insight regarding personal characteristics related to job performance, predict how people align with your organizational missing if they will meet the job requirements, and how they will perform, As an industry leader, the company’s assessment software has been used by 75% of companies on the Fortune 500 List.
Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI)
HPI personality affects people’s ability to get along with others and achieve their goals. HPI measures personality characteristics that describe how people approach work and how they relate to others. Specifically, the behavioral tendencies that are quickly noticed and capable of enhancing job performance.
Uses for HPI:
Selection: HPI is for predicting success in jobs where interpersonal qualities affect performance and job success.
Career Pathing: Reliable, objective portrait of a person’s strengths and shortcomings
Individual Assessment and Developmental Planning: By identifying personality strengths and weaknesses relative to one’s work environments, important and developmental opportunities can be identified and coaching strategies implemented to help individuals attain performance goals.
Promotion and Succession Planning: Identify those people whose personality characteristics lead to high performance in a particular role
Hogan Development Survey (HDS)
Hogan Development Survey (HDS) provides insight regarding eleven “derailment” tendencies that, when incited by stress, pressure, or boredom, are capable of impeding work relationships, leadership style, productivity, and career potential. HDS helps individuals proactively identify “dark side” tendencies that can negatively impact performance.
Uses for HDS:
Goal setting
Professional development and coaching
Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI)
MVPI provides insight into a person’s core values, goals, and interests. As valuable information related to the environment and culture where a person is motivated to perform best.
Uses for MVPI: